PhD Research Support

We specialize in designing custom research support plans thar are tailored to your need and schedule

PhD Assistance

We provide guided PhD assistancewhther you are just starting out or nearing completion. We can help you with everything that come across.

Assignment Writing

Our experts can help you in all kinds of assignments, required by Colleges, Universities, Institutions tailored to your needs.

PhD Synopsis Preparation

A PhD synopsis is one of the most important elements of your PhD. Develop your synopsis with RCUT's expert services.

Review Paper Writing

We offer excellent review paper writing service that can help you through your writing process.

Conference Paper Writing

If you wish for a conference paper with a wll-written, thorough and convincing arguments that is impressive, don't hesitate to contact us.

Preparation of conference presentation

Conference presentation can be stressful;you might get nervous.But with our preparation techniques,you will ace your presentation.

PhD Viva Presentation

Your viva is the most important. Our experts will prepare you for an impactful viva presentation in no time.

Publication Help

RCUT is designed to help you get your research published on a lvel that is acceptable for traditional or online publication.We provide publication in

  1. UGC
  3. ABDC
  4. Web of Science
  5. SCI
Dissertation Writing Support

Our dissertation writing services are designed to help you get throught this process as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Systematic Literature Review Writing

RCUT offers systematic literature review writing services to make sure your paper is ready and consistent with the standards of academic writing.

Thesis Writing Support

Our thesis writing services are highly customizable.So you can be sure that we'll provide the support you need to complete your thesis in record time.

Data Analysis

We can help you with

  1. Basic SPSS
  2. Advance SPSS
  3. R-Test

We can help you with

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. PHP
  4. MATLAB and many more..
Thesis Writing In Hindi

RCUT can help you write a flawless thesis paper in hindi language.

Questionnaire Preparation

Our experts are experienced with creating compelling quetionnaires for your PhD research.

About Us
  • RCUT is a charitable trust in india,providing charitable services to people.
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Contact Us
  • Legal Cell: Chamber No:351-A, District Court, Sector-12, Karnal-Haryana
  • Franchisee Office: C--246 2nd Floor , Street no. 11, Main Market Bhajanpura , Delhi -- 110053
  • +91-89557-77720
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